Monday, April 25, 2016


Marichi – One of the Greatest Sages

Marichi, also popularly known as Rishi Marichi or Mareechi or Marishi, is one of the greats seven sages known as Saptarishis and is regarded as son of Brahma. Marichi is also regarded as one of the ten Prajapatis created by Brahma as the ruler of the people. He is considered as one of the most important and iconic characters in Hinduism and is revered by devotees and worshippers all over the world.


Legends state that Brahma needed assistance of some responsible persons who could help him with the creation of the universe. Brahma then created ten Prajapatis from his Mana i.e., mind. The ten sons of Brahma were also called “Manasputras” which in Sanskrit translates to “sons born from mind” and Marichi was one of them.

According to the Hindu epic Mahabharata, Krishna declared himself as one of the Maruts and identifies himself as Marichi.A very famous legend associated with Mariachi states that once he went out to a forest in order to gather some wood and flowers. He returned home and was very tired. He told his wife Dharmavrata to wash his feet. At the same time when Dharmavrata was washing Marichi’s feet, Brahma came there. Dharmavrata was confused as to whether she should attend to her father in law Brahma or finish washing her husband’s feet first. She decided to attend to Brahma first and this enraged Marichi. He cursed her that she would be converted into a stone and would remain like that forever. Marichi was such a powerful sage that even Brahma could not undo the curse. Dharmavrata then in the form of a stone, meditated and prayed to Vishnu for a very long time. Vishnu was pleased by her prayers and asked her for a boon. She asked him to remove the curse of Marichi but even Vishnu could not help her. However, he gave her the boon that the gods will be with her forever and that her stone form will be a sacred and powerful form. The same stone is believed to be present in Gaya, Bihar.

Beliefs and Significance

Marichi is considered to be one of the stars of the Great Bear constellation. There are many yogic poses called Marichyasana which are named after Marichi and are practiced even today. Mariachi symbolizes great power, wisdom, and the cosmic force of creation.

The life of Marichi is known more by the account of his descendants, notably by the works of sage Kasyapa. Marichi is then married to Kala and gave birth to Kashyap (Kashyap is also sometimes acknowledged as a Prajapati, who has inherited the right of creation from his father).

Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita says, "Of the Ādityas I am Vishnu, of lights I am the radiant sun, of the Maruts I am Marici, and among the stars I am the moon."

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