Saturday, January 7, 2017



Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: Om, (O Lord) Keep me not in the Unreality (of the bondage of the Phenomenal World), but lead me towards the Reality (of the Eternal Self),
2: (O Lord) Keep me not in the Darkness (of Ignorance), but lead me towards the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge),
3: (O Lord) Keep me not in the (Fear of) Death (due to the bondage of the Mortal World), but lead me towards the Immortality (gained by the Knowledge of the Immortal Self beyond Death),
4: Om, (May there be) Peace, Peace, Peace (at the the three levels - Adidaivika, Adibhautika and Adhyatmika).


Om Bhadram Karnnebhih Shrnnuyaama Devaah |
Bhadram Pashyema-Akssabhir-Yajatraah |
Sthirair-Anggais-Tussttuvaamsas-Tanuubhih |
Vyashema Devahitam Yad-Aayuh |

1: Om, O Devas, May we Hear with our Ears what is Auspicious,
2: May we See with our Eyes what is Auspicious and Adorable,
3: May we be Prayerful (in Life) with Steadiness in our Bodies (and Minds),
4: May we Offer our Lifespan allotted by the Devas (for the Service of God)

 Svasti Na Indro Vrddha-Shravaah |

Svasti Nah Puussaa Vishva-Vedaah |
Svasti Nas-Taarkssyo Arisstta-Nemih |
Svasti No Vrhaspatir-Dadhaatu ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
5: May Indra (of Vedas) of great Wisdom and Glory grant us Well-Being (by bestowing wisdom),
6: May Pushan (The Sun God, The Nourisher) of great Knowledge grant us Well-Being (by nourishing us and granting knowledge),
7: May Tarksya (A Mythical Bird) of great Protective Power ( a thunderbolt to misfortunes ) grant us Well-Being (by protecting us from misfortunes),
8: (And) May Brihaspati (The Guru of the Devas) grant us Well-Being,
9: Om, Peace, Peace, Peace (at the Adibhautika, Adidaivika and Adyatmika levels)


Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Purnnam-Udacyate
Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: Om, That (Outer World) is Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); This (Inner World) is also Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); From Purna comes Purna (From the Fullness of Divine Consciousness the World is manifested) ,
2: Taking Purna from Purna, Purna Indeed Remains (Because Divine Consciousness is Non-Dual and Infinite).
3: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.


Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Manggalam-Bhavatu |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: May there be Well-Being in All,
2: May there be Peace in All,
3: May there be Fulfilment in All,
4: May there be Auspiciousness in All,
5: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.


Om Saha Nau-Avatu |
Saha Nau Bhunaktu |
Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai |
Tejasvi Nau-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvissaavahai |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: Om, May God Protect us Both (the Teacher and the Student),
2: May God Nourish us Both,
3: May we Work Together with Energy and Vigour,
4: May our Study be Enlightening and not give rise to Hostility,
5: Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.


Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah |
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: Om, May All become Happy,
2: May All be Free from Illness.
3: May All See 


 Namo Brahmanne |
Namaste Vaayo |
[e]Iva Pratyakssam Brahmaasi |
[e]Iva Pratyakssam Brahma Vadissyaami |
Rrtam Vadissyaami |
Satyam Vadissyaami |

5: Salutations to Brahman,
6: Salutations to Vayu (the Breath of Purusha),
7: You Indeed are the Visible Brahman,
8: I Proclaim, You Indeed are the Visible Brahman,
9: I Speak about the Divine Truth,
10: I Speak about the Absolute Truth,
[d]-Maam-Avatu |
Tad-Vaktaaram-Avatu |
Avatu Maam |
Avatu Vaktaaram ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

11: May That Protect Me,
12: May That Protect the Preceptor,
13: Protect Me,
14: Protect the Preceptor,
15: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.


Om Vaanga Me Manasi Pratisstthitaa |
Mano Me Vaaci Pratisstthitam |
Aavira-Avir-Ma Edhi |
Vedasya Ma Aanniisthah |
Shrutam Me Maa Prahaasiih
Anena-Adhiitena-Ahoraatraan-San-Dadhaami |

1: Om, Let My Speech be Established in My Mind,
2: Let My Mind be Established in My Speech,
3: Let the Knowledge of the Self-Manifest Atman Grow in Me,
4: Let My Mind and Speech be the Support to Experience the Knowledge of the Vedas,
5: Let what is Heard by Me (from the Vedas) be Not a mere Appearance ...
6: ... but what is Gained by Studying Day and Night be Retained.


Om Dyauh Shaantir-Antarikssam Shaantih 
Prthivii Shaantir-Aapah Shaantir-Ossadhayah Shaantih |
Vanaspatayah Shaantir-Vishve-Devaah Shaantir-Brahma Shaantih
Sarvam Shaantih Shaantireva Shaantih Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: Om, May there be Peace in Heaven, May there be Peace in the Sky,
2: May there be Peace in the Earth, May there be Peace in the Water, May there be Peacein the Plants,
3: May there be Peace in the Trees, May there be Peace in the Gods in the various Worlds, May there be Peace in Brahman,
4: May there be Peace in All, May there be Peace Indeed within Peace, Giving Me the Peacewhich Grows within Me,
5: Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.


Om Bhuur-Bhuvah Svah

Tat-Savitur-Varennyam |
Bhargo Devasya Dhiimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracodayaat ||

1: Om, (that Divine Illumination which Pervades the) Bhu Loka (Physical Plane, Consciousness of the Physical Plane), Bhuvar Loka (Antariksha or Intermediate Space, Consciousness of the Prana) and Swar Loka (Swarga, Heaven, Consciousness of the Divine Mind),
2: On that Savitur (Divine Illumination) which is the Most Adorable (Varenyam), ...
3: ... and which is of the nature of Divine Effulgence (Bhargo Devasya), I meditate,
4: May that Divine Intelligence (Dhiyah) Awaken (Pracodyat) our (Spiritual Consciousness).

 Mruthunjaya stotram

Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe 
Sugandhim Pusstti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-
[A]mrtaat ||

1: Om, We Worship the Three-Eyed One (Lord Shiva), 
2: Who is Fragrant (Spiritual Essence) and Who Nourishes all beings.
3: May He severe our Bondage of Samsara (Worldly Life), like a Cucumber (severed from the bondage of its Creeper), ...
4: ... and thus Liberate us from the Fear of Death, by making us realize that we are never separated from our Immortal Nature.


Om Gannaanaam Tvaa Ganna-Patim Hava-Amahe
Kavim Kaviinaam-Upama-Shravas-Tamam |
Jyessttha-Raajam Brahmannaam Brahmannas-Pata
Aa Nah Shrnnvan-Nuutibhih-Siida-Saadanam ||
Om Mahaa-Ganna-Adhipataye Namah ||

1: Om, O Ganapati, To You Who are the Lord of the Ganas (Celestial Attendants or Followers), we Offer our Sacrificial Oblations,
2: You are the Wisdom of the Wise and the Uppermost in Glory,
3: You are the Eldest Lord (i.e. ever Unborn) and is of the Nature of Brahman (Absolute Consciousness); You are the Embodiment of the Sacred Pranava (Om),
4: Please come to us by Listening to our Prayers and be Present in the Seat of this Sacred Sacrificial Altar.
5: Om, our Prostrations to the Mahaganadhipati (the Great Lord of the Ganas).